Google Assistant now detects home HVAC, smoke

Google Assistant has given users the ability to turn lights, other electrical appliances, and security systems on and off at home, but the virtual assistant has lacked climate control device compatibility.

According to an article on, an update to Google’s Smart Home Device Type page noted that Assistant now supports a couple of new form factors. Specifically, it now supports sensor-only devices that can detect a number of different conditions.

As it stands right now, though, these devices can only be used to answer questions. For example, a sensor that detects humidity might be able to give you the current conditions with a command. Security systems also get an enhancement here as they can report the individual state of each sensor in the system. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors also get their own categories with this latest update.

Apple, Google’s rival in the smart home market, supports a number of home monitoring devices including compatible thermostats, sensors, humidifier, and even sprinklers, according to information on its website.

According to the article, the functionality for all of these sensors, while presently limited, could in the future easily be used as a trigger for Google Assistant routines or notifications.