Sensors Expo & Conference 2018: LoRa + Cellular = Reliable Wireless Control

As the internet of things (IoT) infects more applications, the demand for more and better wireless remote control of everything from home living rooms to factory floors escalates. Established technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, though reliable and having been around a while, don’t really cut it with larger and more critical wireless systems. One technology that's also been around for a while is starting to prove more than viable for these mass IoT deployments: LoRa


LoRa wireless data-communication technology operates over the license-free, sub-gigahertz radio frequency bands and supports long-range communications. Another key feature is LoRa is low power, which means it is battery friendly. With a long range of approximately six miles in not-so-heavily-populated areas, a bit less in cities, and low-power operation, wireless remote-control systems based on this technology are quite desirable for industrial, consumer, and many other applications including medical and healthcare.


Not to make LoRa sound like the greatest thing since boysenberry syrup, setting up a remote wireless sensing and control is a complex challenge. LoRa makes it more efficient when it’s finally assembled.


One of the featured sessions at Sensors Expo & Conference 2018 in San Jose, CA addresses those complexities and challenges associate with building a LoRa-based remote sensing and control network.  The session titled “Intelligent Remote Sensing and Control with LoRa Plus Cellular: A Practical Guide” on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 from 1:30 pm to   2:20 pm will be presented by View analyticthe Head of Solutions Engineering at Electric Imp, Terence Barr.


Electric Imp offers an innovative IoT platform that securely connects devices with cloud computing resources. The company’s platform includes fully integrated hardware, OS, security, APIs, and cloud services.


With more than a few years of global experience in mobile, embedded, cloud, and IoT applications, Terrence is a valued player in every aspect of Electric Imp’s product development and deployment. Prior to this, he was on the Java team at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, Lead Architect for both Java ME 8 standards and products, and Senior Product Manager for technology strategy and multiple products in the Oracle Internet of Things group.


His session will discuss the critical challenges of remote wireless sensing and control solutions. Terrence will review architectures and best practices, and describe a practical approach to building an intelligent remote sensing and control solution based on LoRa plus a lightweight cellular gateway.


To get in on this wealth of knowledge, you should know the drill by now, the two-step formula for success. Step one, register for Sensors Expo & Conference 2018. Step two, attend the “Intelligent Remote Sensing and Control with LoRa Plus Cellular: A Practical Guide” on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 from 1:30 pm to 2:20 pm. Be there or be square.