Chipset Drives Multi-Gigabit Wireless Apps

Now in production, the W110 WiGig chipset for WiGig applications includes the PRS1125 direct-conversion 60-GHz RFIC and the PRS4001 baseband IC to implement the necessary functionality in the next generation IEEE 802.11ad standard for Wi-Fi networks. Incorporating a USB 3.0 system interface, the chipset suits an array of WiGig adapters and peripherals. WiGig provides networking capabilities along the lines of a traditional Wi-Fi network. An external WiGig USB adaptor based on the W110 chipset may be used with existing dual-band notebooks and tablets to rapidly deploy and provide the benefits of a full tri-band solution compatible with tri-band access points. For more details, visit

Peraso Technologies, Inc.
Toronto, ON, Canada
[email protected]