USB-to-GPIB Adapter from Keithley

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Keithley Instruments Inc.

The Model KUSB-488B from Keithley Instruments Inc., Cleveland, OH, is a USB-to-GPIB interface adapter that provides support for Windows 2000/XP/Vista and VISA. The driver library is fully command-compatible with the company's traditional GPIB command set and with NI's command set and is also compatible with the company's Model KPCI-488LPA GPIB interface, allowing you to switch from either a PCI or USB approach to GPIB control. For OEMs, a utility installs the driver silently, bypassing normal installation so that the driver can be installed with the OEM's software. A diagnostic tool is included for verification of communication between the interface and a GPIB-capable instrument.

Contact Info

Company: Keithley Instruments Inc.
Country: United States (USA)
Phone number: 888-534-8453
Fax: 440-248-6168