Matrox Launches MIL CoPilot Prototyping Companion to the Matrox Imaging Library

MONTREAL --- Matrox Imaging announces MIL CoPilot, an evaluation and prototyping companion to the Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) collection of software tools. A 64-bit Windows-based application, MIL CoPilot provides a unified interactive environment to experiment with MIL, allowing programmers to test one or more approaches to solving an application before writing any code. Similarly, the flexible, programming-free environment offers those new to MIL an easier way to try it out.

Saving on programming and evaluation time, the MIL CoPilot user interface design is centered on the image, giving users convenient access to MIL image processing and analysis operations via a contextual ribbon menu system that allows the interactive configuration of operations, therefore simplifying the overall process of developing using MIL.

Through an assortment of utilities, including line and angle measure, histogram, profiles and image comparison, particular aspects of images can be studied, allowing users to clarify the selection and adjustment of MIL operations.

As operations are applied, MIL CoPilot records these in an operations list. Once an operations list is established for the desired outcome, MIL CoPilot can convert the list into genuine code for one of the programming languages supported by MIL (C++, C#, CPython and VB .Net), thus jump starting the application coding process.


MIL CoPilot is available via the MIL update service to all registered users with maintenance subscriptions in good standing, as well as those seeking to evaluate MIL. For more information, visit