Embedded Wireless Design Software from Wavecom

Wavecom SA

Wavecom, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, offers Open AT Software Suite 2.0 that lets developers write application code in C and Lua and then re-use the code, without modification, on multiple Wavecom Wireless CPU devices. The newest version adds the ability of the preemptive RTOS to support multitasking. The RTOS allows direct access to hardware resources within a guaranteed response time upon interruption whatever the GSM, GPRS, or EDGE state of the Wireless CPU and full access to the audio path for complex audio processing via APIs. Monitoring of the application's multitasking structure is made through a programmable application-dedicated watchdog.

Contact Info

Company: Wavecom SA
Phone number: +33 1-46-29-08-00
Fax: +33 1-46-29-08-08