Digital Pyroelectric Detectors from PerkinElmer

Digital Pyroelectric Detectors from PerkinElmer
PerkinElmer Inc.

PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, offers the Smart DigiPyro PYD 1096 and Miniature DigiPyro PYD 5731 dual-element pyrodetectors suited for safety and security applications. The PYD 1096 features integrated event logic timing, adjustable sensitivity settings, and ambient light sensing and is offered in a standard 6-pin TO-5 housing. The PYD5731, configured with a 3-pin TO-46 housing, is a miniaturized version of the PYD 1988 and is designed for motion sensing applications that are space- and/or lens-size constrained.

Contact Info

Company: PerkinElmer Inc.
Phone number: 978-224-4321
Fax: 781-663-5985