AI Platform Set To Modernize Process Manufacturing introduces its artificial intelligence (AI) powered smart manufacturing platform, said to be the first to be built for operational technology (OT) users. The Quartic Platform is designed to help manufacturers make their legacy processes and facilities smarter, thereby leading to increased productivity and a reduction in manufacturing costs. 


The platform is built on the notion that an AI application can only deliver sustainable results for manufacturing if it is built and used by those who understand the manufacturing equipment and processes best. With the platform, SMEs can create and deploy AI applications without requiring the continuous involvement of data scientists. 


According to, as manufacturers look to build sustainable digital manufacturing solutions, they face two key challenges: making data generated by legacy assets and OT systems ready for AI; and acquiring data science and related programming skills. The Quartic Platform solves these challenges by enabling engineers and SMEs to translate their experience and knowledge into AI applications without extensive data science experience.


The Quartic Platform consists of two key components:

  • Quartic illuminator is an IIoT data pipeline that dynamically creates asset context for data from IIoT, OT, MES and ERP information and makes its machine learning and analytics ready for SMEs to focus on creating value and unlocking intelligence.
  • Quartic eXponence is an intelligence engine that combines automated machine learning, complex event processing (CEP), and a sophisticated rules engine to create asset intelligence.

For more data and details, visit and/or call 866-QUARTIC.