WSCN Access Points from Tendril

WSCN Access Points from Tendril
Tendril Inc.
Tendril, Boulder, CO, offers Tendril Access flexible access points that provide functional access to any 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless sensor and control network (WSCN) from traditional computing platforms, such as PCs. Tendril Access is designed to serve as a gateway between wired and wireless networks and is supplied prepackaged with a Windows driver with associated API. You can use it as a WSCN access point or use it to connect to the company's modular network operations platform to create a cohesive, comprehensive WSCN. It integrates a microcontroller/radio, antenna, and sample code; range is up to 300 m.

Contact Info

Company: Tendril Inc.
Phone number: 303-951-4360
Fax: 303-951-4370