Wireless Networking Stack from Jennic

Wireless Networking Stack from Jennic
Jennic Ltd.

Jennic Ltd., Sheffield, U.K., offers the JenNet free, proprietary wireless networking stack for its 32-bit single-chip wireless microcontrollers. Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the stack is designed to be easy to use and is scalable from a few nodes to networks of up to 1000 nodes. The stack supports a range of network topologies, supports sleeping end devices, packet encryption, over-the-air download for node updating, a memory footprint as low as 16 kB, up to 80 kB of application space for a 100-node network, and Jenie and AT-Jenie programming interfaces. Jenie is a simplified C interface providing access to the whole network stack and AT-Jenie is a serial command interface to the network.

Contact Info

Company: Jennic Ltd.
Phone number: +44 (0)114-281-2655
Fax: +44 (0)114-281-2951