WiFi Wireless Sensor Module from Redpine Signals

WiFi Wireless Sensor Module from Redpine Signals
Redpine Signals Inc.

Redpine Signals Inc., San Jose, CA, offers the SenSiFi ultra-low-power 802.11n wireless sensor module. The module includes standards-compliant WLAN functionality with WPA2 security, a network stack that terminates TCP/IP and UDP connections with IPv6 capability, and configuration via UART or wireless. The module also includes a built-in antenna, frequency reference, power management, and flashed-in firmware. An evaluation board integrates temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors, an accelerometer, battery management, firmware for WLAN protocol and device control, a configuration utility, and a Web-based tracking application that provides a graphical representation of sensor data.

Contact Info

Company: Redpine Signals Inc.
Country: United States (USA)
Phone number: 408-748-3385
Fax: 408-705-2019