VME Module from Highland Technology

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Highland Technology Inc.

The V230 from Highland Technology Inc., San Francisco, CA, is a 64-channel VME analog input module intended for high-channel-count DA for dense industrial and aerospace monitoring applications. Data are presented in real time as an array of 64 values with no handshakes, interrupts, or driver calls required. All channels are individually programmable for both input range and filtering; input ranges are ±102.4 mV, ±1.024 V, or ±10.24 V. You can choose among no filter, a 200 Hz Bessel low-pass filter, or a 17 Hz sinc2 filter with notches at 50/60 Hz and harmonics.

Contact Info

Company: Highland Technology Inc.
Country: United States (USA)
Phone number: 415-551-1700
Fax: 415-551-5129