Sensor Signal Conditioner from ZMD


The ZMD31012 from ZMD AG, Dresden, Germany, incorporates 2 ZMD31010 signal conditioners in 1 slim package to enable sensor manufacturers to monitor 2 independent channels for redundant applications, differential pressure, and flow. The device accommodates separate digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature drift, and nonlinearity. The chip also enables calibration of resistive bridge sensors via EEPROM. When mated to a resistive bridge sensor, the ZMD31012 will digitally correct offset and gain coefficients and linearity over temperature; a second compensation can also be enabled for temperature coefficients of gain, offset, or bridge linearity. Communication is via the ZACwire serial interface.

Contact Info

Company: ZMD AG
Country: Germany
Phone number: +49 351-8822-306
Fax: +49 351-8822-337