Printed Electronics Materials Market to Exceed $11 Billion by 2015

GLEN ALLEN, VA /PRNewswire/ -- According to a new report from NanoMarkets, a leading industry analyst firm, the market for electronic inks and related substrate materials used in manufacturing printed electronics is expected to grow from over $1.1 billion in 2008 to over $11 billion by 2015. These and other findings are from NanoMarkets' "Printed Electronics Materials Database" forecasting module.


  • Conductive inks will represent the largest portion of the materials business, reaching a value of over $4.3 billion in 2013. Of this segment, organic conductive inks will be the fastest growing and will surpass $1.3 billion in the 2013 time frame. Substrates will produce almost $3 billion in revenue opportunities, with plastic accounting for better than half the market. Semiconductor inks will surpass $2 billion in 2013, with organic semiconductor inks holding a 75% share of the market.


  • The prospects for printed OLEDs have received a significant boost as the result of new small molecule inks. OLED manufacturers are able to choose printing as a manufacturing technology without having to choose an entirely new material. Semiconductor inks for OLED displays and lighting applications are expected to reach almost $370 million by 2015.


  • Printed photovoltaics are expected to consume more than $400 million in semiconductor materials by 2015. By then, the photovoltaics industry will have overcome challenges to printing CIGS materials, and organic photovoltaics will have found significant addressable markets in building integrated photovoltaics.


  • Printed dielectrics will become a growing part of organic electronics as an organic version of CMOS emerges and more complex organic electronics devices are created. These trends will lead printed dielectric materials to reach more than $775 million by 2015.

About the Database
The NanoMarkets Printed Electronics Materials Database is the "industry's most comprehensive resource for the emerging printed electronics materials market. The database provides users with detailed information and analysis of over 180 firms active in the printable electronics materials business. In addition to the supplier index, the database also includes both qualitative and quantitative market forecasts of the inks, substrates, and barrier materials used in printing displays, radio frequency identification, transistors, backplanes, photovoltaics, memory, sensors, and batteries, as well as analysis of the trends and developments driving the printable electronics business and how these trends and developments are impacting the opportunities for specialty chemicals, materials, inks, and substrates manufacturers.

About NanoMarkets
NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in electronics created by developments in advanced materials. The firm has published numerous reports related to organic, thin-film, and printable electronics materials and applications. Visit the company's Web site for a full listing of NanoMarkets' reports, services, and downloadable white papers.