Low-Frequency Microphone Performs Infrasound Measurements

Low-Frequency Microphone Performs Infrasound Measurements
PCB Piezotronics Inc.

The model 378A07 0.5-in. microphone and preamplifier system aids in low frequency testing, and suits studies ranging from wind turbines to natural events. A free-field pre-polarized microphone, it has a frequency range of 0.13 Hz to 20 kHz (±2 dB), which meets the IEC 61094-4 standard for test and measurement microphones. This covers infrasound below the normal hearing range for adults. Additionally, the 378A07 is A2LA and ILAC accredited. A datasheet is available at http://www.pcb.com/contentstore/docs/PCB_Corporate/Vibration/Products/Specsheets/378A07_NR.pdf

PCB Piezotronics Inc.
Depew, NY
[email protected]

Contact Info

Company: PCB Piezotronics Inc.
Country: International
Phone number: 716-684-0002