Image Sensors Keep Their Eyes On Mars

Teledyne DALSA is participating in NASA’s InSight Mission to Mars by providing color CCD image sensors for both the Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC) and the Instrument Context Camera (ICC). Teledyne partnered with Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL) to deliver the color image sensors to power the InSight mission.  

The camera on the Lander’s arm will provide 3D color views of the landing site, instrument placement, and activities to inform engineers and scientists of the best spots for the seismometer and heat flow probe to gather measurements from the interior of Mars. While the InSight lander began its surface operations immediately, science data collection will begin about 10 weeks after landing. Teledyne’s image sensors will play a major role in helping scientists and engineers decide where to place the very specialized instruments to inform the best results of the study of Mars’ interior.


For deeper insights about the mission and operations, visit NASA Mars. For more info on the sensors, visit

of Teledyne DALSA, Teledyne e2v and Teledyne Imaging & Scientific.