High-Frequency Pressure Sensors from PCB

High-Frequency Pressure Sensors from PCB
PCB Piezotronics Inc.
PCB Piezotronics Inc., Pressure Div., Depew, NY, offers a range of high-frequency pressure sensors for explosion, blast, and shock-wave testing. General-purpose ICP and charge-output pressure sensors offer extremely fast response and resonant frequencies to 500 kHz. ICP microsensors provide rise times </=0.5 µs. Free-field blast pressure ICP pencil probes measure blast effects on structures, vehicles, and humans, and have integral microelectronics. Underwater blast pressure probes measure shock wave pressures associated with underwater explosion testing and are available in ICP and charge-output versions.

Contact Info

Company: PCB Piezotronics Inc.
Country: International
Phone number: 716-684-0002