GNSS Smart Antenna Flies Calibration Free

The Leica GS18 T is described as the only tilt compensating GNSS smart antenna that is calibration-free and immune to magnetic disturbances. GNSS measurements can be taken from any position on site, saving up to 20% of the time spent in the field over conventional surveying practices. Users no longer need to hold the pole vertical to level the bubble. As the only GNSS RTK rover to use precise enough inertial measuring units (IMUs) and not a compass, users can measure with a tilted pole close to buildings, underneath cars, and close to metallic objects. With integrated quality assurance, the GS18 T records exactly how the pole was levelled during the measurement. The antenna then stores the values, ensuring measurement traceability and complete quality reporting. Easy-to-use, the new GNSS RTK rover ensures users and managers increased productivity and less time on site.


Updates to field and office software to support new tilt functionality. Fully supporting the GS18 T, Leica Captivate v3.0 field software and Leica Infinity v2.4 office software now offer users a more immersive means of control on site and at the desk.  Captivate now allows configuration of the GS18 T for all measuring and staking applications and the visualization of tilt compensated measurements. Measured data can be directly imported into Infinity or exported into a variety of formats suitable for CAD packages. Within Infinity, users can visualize the measured data, including the creation of reports providing full traceability and quality assurance for themselves and their clients. More information about the GS18 T is available as well as the Leica Captivate Experience. Leica Geosystems AG, Switzerland. +41 71 727 3131