Flowmeter Excels In Water And Wastewater Applications

Flowmeter Excels In Water And Wastewater Applications
Automation Products Group (APG) Inc.

Thought to be unique and novel, the FM100 programmable magnetic flowmeter is viable for both water and wastewater applications. As per its maker, there are three specific reasons why FM100 works so well in water and wastewater.

1. First, the component has an ultra-low conductivity threshold. Sensitive down to 20 μs/cm, it is useable with reverse osmosis water (generally 50 – 100 μs/cm), domestic/public tap water (500 – 800 μS/cm), potable water (up to 1,500 μS/cm), and brackish water (100,000 μS/cm). Only pure, deionized, or distilled water, which run from less than 1 to about 3 μs/cm, are beyond the conductivity range of the FM100.
2. Second, the hard technical rubber lining of the FM100 supports liquids with low concentrations of sand or other abrasive particles, and it is compatible with process temperatures between 32°F and 158°F (0.1°C to 90°C). While the rubber is not safe for working with highly caustic acids, it can easily handle most water handling and wastewater treatment solutions.
3. Third, FM100 provides an instantaneous linear flow measurement, via a 4- to 20-mA output, and multiple totalized volumetric flow archives. Users can scale the 4- to 20-mA output over the flow reading five different ways: 0 to positive max flow, 0 to negative max flow, 0 to max flow, regardless of direction, negative max flow or positive max flow, and fixed current.

Additional features include an integrated totalizer that archives real-time positive volumetric flow totals by hour, day, and month and a user resettable temporary time for totalizing volumetric flow across a specific time period. A datasheet is available at https://www.apgsensors.com/sites/default/files/datasheets/FM100.pdf  

Automation Products Group Inc.
Logan, UT
[email protected]

Contact Info

Company: Automation Products Group (APG) Inc.
Country: United States (USA)
Phone number: 888-525-7300
Fax: 435-753-7490