DNA Test Platform Built On Blockchain Infrastructure

Digital DNAtix has launched a pilot program in the US of a blockchain-based infrastructure and ecosystem for anonymous genetic testing, services, and research. Lack of privacy is currently the barrier for so many people who want to be tested but are afraid to give their genetic data away.


If you choose to believe this, allegedly, anyone can anonymously upload partial and/or full genome sequences onto the DNAtix platform. Contributors own their genomic data and use it to make informed decisions. The DNAtix genetics ecosystem links individual users in search of health solutions, or answers to ancestral questions, with products and services that fit their needs.


To ensure the security and anonymity on the platform, DNAtix has designed a wallet that will facilitate anonymous payment through tokens for a wide range of genetic services. The kit you buy and the 'wallet' created for you on the DNAtix website are connected through a code that is only provided on the kit at time of purchase - which is paid with cash. By using the wallet, you become a code in the system and DNAtix doesn’t know who you are. When the sequence of your DNA reaches the system, it knows to put the data into your wallet so your DNA is fully private and you remain anonymous.


Reportedly, DNAtix is the first company to successfully transfer a genetic sequence over the Ethereum Blockchain.  DNAtix intends to be the first to securely bring unsourced full genome sequencing into the mainstream through a direct-to-consumer (D2C) platform.


The D2C platform provides full genome testing and access to services and solutions on the Blockchain and allows researchers to use anonymous DNA, stored on the DNAtix infrastructure, to create tests, do research and design new treatments. Users can compress a DNA Sequence in FASTA format to 25% of its size with open source technology DNAtix developed to transfer genetic data with current blockchain technologies. 


For more details visit DNAtix. For more information and purchase instructions about DNATIX token, email [email protected].