Digital Micrometer Operates Fast And Wireless

Mahr’s family of Micromar 40EWRi-L digital micrometers with high-speed measuring spindle positioning and the latest MarConnect interface allow measurements that are 10 times faster than a standard micrometer. The non-rotating sliding spindle also protects sensitive workpiece surfaces against measuring damage. By carefully contacting the part with the non-rotating sliding spindle, scratches (e.g. from grinding dust residues on sensitive and finely machined part surfaces) are avoided.


In addition, the non-rotating system provides the ideal solution for measuring film thickness without twisting and damaging these delicate, thin materials during measurement. The large display and intuitive operating concept support users in production and quality assurance, featuring measuring reliability, fatigue-free reading and simple operation.


The Micromar 40EWRi-L is available in eight standard ranges of 0 through 4” in 1” increments (0 through 100m in 25mm increments). Measurement data is transferred to an i-Stick on a computer. For more details, visit Mahr.